The need for affordable, attractive facilities is a significant challenge in both planting new churches and revitalizing struggling churches. The CBM Building Ministries provides valuable assistance to CBM church plants and revitalization works. We also assist other independent Baptist churches of like faith and practice in North America as approved by our mission board.
For a new church plant, the CBM Building Ministries provides guidance in selecting usable property, designing a functional building, and constructing an affordable, attractive house of worship. This often allows the church plant to graduate years sooner, enabling the church planter to move on and start another work.
For church revitalization ministries, the CBM builders assist in making needed renovations to neglected facilities.
Scope of Ministry
CBM church builders travel from project to project, living in RV trailers, constructing quality facilities at a significant cost savings to the mission church. Missionary church builders with CBM have sensed a definite leading of God into this ministry. They have been through the same application and screening process as church planters, and raise financial and prayer support from local churches and individuals who share their passion and vision.
The CBM Building Ministries is much more than just constructing buildings. Our goal is to come alongside the church planter, assist them in the ministry, and while assisting, see a building get built. The CBM builders are true missionaries in every sense of the word. Along with assisting in the ministries of the church, the CBM builders have a fervent desire to see contractors, material suppliers, and neighbors come to faith in Christ and believers discipled in the Lord.
Who We Assist
In selecting which construction projects we will assist, the CBM Building Ministries uses the following priority list:
- First, church plants led by CBM Church Planting missionaries
- Second, church plants with other independent Baptist mission agencies of like faith and practice or other independent Baptist church plants in North America
- Third, graduated CBM church plants
- Fourth, other needy independent Baptist churches in North America
Is God leading you to join CBM in the work of church planting as a Missionary Church Builder?