
Projects & Special Funds

Special Office Projects
If you would like to direct your giving to a special project, the following funds have been established to address needs of a more specific nature for the CBM administrative office:

  • CBM Office Boiler Replacement ($20,000 needed) - for the purchase of a single, high-efficiency boiler installed with volunteer labor to replace two obsolete units that are 'original' to the home office building (circa 2003).
  • CBM Production Printer Replacement ($12,000 needed) - for the purchase of a quality refurbished production printer for ministry use.

Church Plant Start-Up Fund
As a church plant begins, many times the missionary is met with added or unexpected expenses. This fund is distributed in the form of a grant to be used toward the expenses of starting a new work.

Missionary Enrichment Fund
The gifts graciously given to the Missionary Enrichment fund are distributed in the form of a grant for projects designed to enhance the ministry of the missionary.

Retirement Fund
This a matching gift grant established by donors to help missionaries start a retirement fund.

Barnabas Fund
This account holds monies designated by donors to meet special or emergency needs of CBM missionaries. The administration may assign up to $1,000 in any given month to a specific active missionary who demonstrates legitimate lack of finances to meet current needs.

Cunningham Revolving Loan Fund
Through the generosity of donors, the Cunningham Revolving Loan fund was created to assist mission churches in launching building programs. Terms of repayment are established by the Board, as are the rate of interest and the amount available. Loans are extended by the Mission Board on recommendation of the Building Ministries Committee upon review of the church’s official request.

Special Missionary Projects

Regular support or one-time gifts for CBM missionaries are always welcomed. However, if you would like to direct your giving to a special project, the following funds have been established to address missionary needs of a more specific nature:

  • Valley Baptist Church Building Fund (Eureka, MT) - CBM Church Plant

    For more information on any of the special giving opportunities listed above, contact the CBM Business Office at (616) 863-2226 or by email.